For Organizations &
Whether you’re a C-suite Exec, a Pastor, or a non-profit Director, its inevitable that at some point in your journey you will feel isolated or alone, be faced with a situation that needs untangling or you’ve come to a crossroads. Maybe it’s not a decision or a complex problem you’re facing but a question of stewardship. How do I best steward the talents and gifts I’ve been given for the greater good and the glory of God? Perhaps friends, family or colleagues have said to you, “you should really consider doing X”', but you have no idea where to start or how to even initiate the process of taking action on that good idea that’s been percolating in the back of your mind. Let someone on the Wadestone team help you.
Don’t go it alone. Let one of our team guide you through that discovery process, help you gain perspective and join you in the struggle. You don’t have to be on a team of one when you can have someone walk the road with you. Stewarding the gifts that you have been given be they opportunities or obstacles (yes, even a road block can be a gift) is not best done alone. Wadestone is ready to join you in struggle, from the discovery to re-focus to deployment.
Wadestone will work with you to develop a customized strategy to fit your needs that lead to tangible organizational results. Whether it’s growing your brand, strengthening your platform, or strategizing to reach new donors, we will work with your to accomplish it.
Brand Awareness
Wadestone will work with the client to identify market trends and customer preferences to ensure an increase in brand awareness. As part of this service Wadestone will evaluate the ways the client's brand is or is not being broadcast to the intended audience and aid in amplifying the client's voice.
Management Development
Wadestone will work with the client to identify & develop strategies to help the client better manage their organization which includes but is not limited to: enhancing communication and encouraging effective teams, reviewing current position in the market and advising on how to become a market leader in the client's field or industry, as well as acting as a consultant for the client’s organization.
Donor Development
Wadestone will develop and identify prospective individual and corporate donors for the client as well as develop strategies to cultivate those relationships. Wadestone will work with the client to develop a fundraising strategy best fit for their field.
Marketing & Communications
Wadestone will review all internal and external communication, and current marketing efforts. We will look at the platforms current marketing is happening and devise a plan for enhancing what is already being done or in cooperation with the client, developing a long term plan to move the client onto the most useful communications platforms and an engagement plan for those platforms. Wadestone staff can also serve as agents of implementation for the plan should the client desire and engage our services that way.